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OD Link

Customer data in the financial services sector often faces challenges related to consistency and completeness. Due to the data being gathered from various sources, maintaining clean customer data can be difficult across different systems. For instance, John William Smith might appear as J.W. Smith on a savings account, John W. Smith on a mortgage, and simply John Smith on a credit card. These discrepancies lead to a fragmented understanding of the customer. OD Link enables organisations to merge multiple internal and external data sources to form a comprehensive customer view and establish a single source of truth.


OD Link goes beyond simple string matching. Its advanced fuzzy matching algorithms factor in miskeyed, phonetic, abbreviations, and other variations in data entry to detect potential matches. With this advanced matching capability, OD Link can achieve more precise record linkage, particularly in vast datasets that may be significantly complex.


Customers do not act in isolation but in a complex network of payment interactions with other customers and third parties. OD Link shows all the payments a customer has made, to whom they were made and the outcome of the sanctions screening processes they were subject to. This builds a comprehensive picture of your customer's activity and allows you to identify both usual and unusual patterns of behaviour.


OD Link is especially beneficial for FCC Transaction Monitoring teams as it combines customer data with payment transactions and the outcomes of sanctions screening processes to identify anomalies in expected customer behavior.


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Key features

1 / Single source of truth

Connects scattered customer data from data lakes, data warehouses and legacy systems with payments made and sanctions screening decisions.

2 / Speed & scalability

Build scalable configurations to link 100+ million records in seconds.

3 / Advanced fuzzy matching algorithms

Offers an end-to-end solution for cleaning, linking, and de-duplicating datasets to attain a complete, 360-degree view of customers, their payment patterns and any associated sanctions alerts. 

4 / Single complete view

Find and view customer records, payment histories and associated sanctions screening decisions in one place. 

5 / Unlock data value

Uncover hidden connections within and among data sources to identify warning signs and allow smarter and faster decision making.

OD Link helps banks and financial service providers to identify suspicious patterns by analysing vast amounts of customer and payment data. 

Get in touch to find out more or to request a demo

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